Anuario 2016 - Universidad ORT Uruguay

42 Anuario 2016 Gandelman, N. Gandelman, N. (2016). A comparison of saving rates: Micro evidence from seventeen Latin American and Caribbean countries. Economía: Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA ), 16 (2), 201-258. Recuperado de Gandelman, N., & Rasteletti, A. (2016). The impact of bank credit on employment formality: Evidence from Uruguay. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52 (7), 1661-1678. Rankeada en Q3 en JCR. Rankeada en Q2 en SJR (Scopus). Gandelman, N. (2016). Inter-generational effects of titling programmes: Physical vs. human capital. Journal of Development Studies, 52 (3), 331-342 . Rankeada en Q2 en JCR. Rankeada en Q1 en SJR (Scopus). Lluberas, R. Griffith, R., Lluberas, R., & Lührmann, M. (2016). Gluttony and sloth? Calories, labor market activity and the rise of obesity. Journal of the European Economic Association , 14 (6), 1253-1468. Rankeada en Q1 en JCR. Rankeada en Q1 en SJR (Scopus). Perera, M. Estrades, C., Llambí, C., Perera, M., & Rovira, F. (2016) Large-scale mining in a small developing country: Macroeconomic impacts of revenue allocation policies. Resources Policy, 49 , 433-443. Rankeada en Q1 en JCR. Rankeada en Q1 en SJR (Scopus). Pontet Ubal, N. Pontet Ubal, N. (2016). Cost accounting systems and institutional theory: Analysis in a Uruguayan terminal port. International Journal of Management Sciences, 7 (5), 249-263. Recuperado de research_paper/944.html Artículos arbitrados, publicados en publicaciones arbitradas / Facultad de Administración y Ciencias Sociales PUBLICACIONES DEL CUERPO ACADÉMICO 20 16